Studying Science
The curiosity of humans to know more about the
natural world has been observed throughout history. Humans have recorded their observations since time immemorial. These observations formed the basis of early scientific records.
Modern science emerged in 16th and 17th century during the Renaissance in Europe. Before the Renaissance, almost all people believed whatever was told to them by the government and whatever was written in the religious scriptures
without any question. The Renaissance gave birth to the questioning mind of the human being. It saw a more methodical and scientific approach to knowledge. The works of Galileo and Francis Bacon led to the emergence of modern science.
The word ‘biology’ is derived from the Greek Word bios meaning life and logos meaning the study and description of the life of animals and plants. Hippocrates and Aristotle were the first people to study life in a systematic and scientific manner.
Father of Medicine
Hippocrates is known as the father of medicine. He was a Greek philosopher and physician. He was the first philosopher of his time to make a clear distinction between medicine and philosophy. He practiced medicine purely on the basis of study and observations rather than philosophical assumptions. He travelled through Greece practicing medicine. His work laid the foundations of medicine.
Botany is the study of plant life. It is also called plant science, phytology, or plant biology. Botany covers a wide range of scientific disciplines.
Anatomy is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and organisation of living things.
Economics is a social science. It deals with production, distribution, and consumption of available resources. The word ‘economics’ is derived from the Greek word oikos, meaning ‘family, household, estate’, and nomos, meaning ‘Custom or law’. Therefore, economics means ‘household management’ or ‘management of the state‘. Economics has two broad branches:microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics deals with small units like household items or firms, while macroeconomics analyses the economy of a state or country as a whole.
Zoology is a branch of natural science. It is concerned With the study of the animal kingdom. Scientists who study zoology are called zoologists. They conduct research to determine how animals carry out various activities. They also study how different species are related to one another and how species have evolved.
Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of plants and animals. Biochemists conduct research on molecules that occur in the cells of animals, plants, and other organisms.
Astronomy is the study of the universe including the Sun, the planets, and other celestial objects. It is studied by people called astronomers. Astronomers observe the universe and celestia bodies using telescopes and other equipment. They use their observations to understand how the universe was formed and has evolved over time.
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