Electricity is a form of energy. it is the movement of electrons or protons in a material. Electrons are negatively charged atomic particles, while protons are positively charged. Electrons in a conductor move from a negatively charged point to a positively charged point.
Electricity is present everywhere in the world. Lightning is Form of electricity produced by clouds. Even the human body contains weak electric signals that low in the nerve cells. Electricity can be changed into other forms of energy, such as heat and light. it is used to produce light, heat, power, etc.
Electric current
Electric current is the flowing of charge through a wire. Charge can flow only through a conductor. Therefore, electricity can flow only through a conductor. There are two types of electric current-direct current and alternating current. Direct current flows only in one direction while alternating current reverses its direction at regular intervals.
Electric circuit
Electric circuit is the path through which electric current flows. Circuits are of two types: serial circuit and parallel circuit. Serial circuit is a circuit in which all the parts of the circuit are connected in a series. Parallel circuit is a circuit in which all the parts are split into branches.
Producing electricity
Electricity can be produced in many different ways.
° Rubbing wax with wool produces electricity by friction.
° Electricity can be produced by chemical action as in a storage battery.
° Electric motor or generator produces electricity by induction.
Types of electricity
There are two types of electricity-static electricity and current electricity. Static electricity is electricity at rest While current electricity is electricity in motion. Static electricity builds up on the surface of a material. It does not flow like current electricity. It can be created by rubbing two dissimilar materials together. The friction between materials causes the electrons to jump from one material and deposit themselves on the other. Lightning is an example of static electricity. Current electricity is the How of electric charges through a Wire or circuit. Unlike static electricity, current electricity must flow through a conductor.
Electricity from batteries

A battery is a string of two or more electrochemical cells in series. It stores chemical energy and makes it available in an electrical form. It produces electricity through chemical reactions. It has two different metals dipped in a chemical solution. Each end of the battery is attached to the metals The chemical reaction between the metals and the chemicals in the battery frees more electrons in one metal than in the other. The metal that frees more electrons develops a negative charge.The other end develops a positive charge. If a wire is attached from the negative to the positive end, electrons begin to flow through the wire. In this way, electricity is produced from batteries..
Measuring electricity
Electricity is measured in a unit of power called Watt. It is named in honour of James Watt, the Scottish inventor. Since a single watt is a very small unit of power, electricity is measured in kilowatt. A kilowatt is equal to 1,000 watts.The amount of electricity generated by a power plant or used by an electrical appliance is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). One kWh is equal to the energy of 1,000 watts used for one hour.
Conductors and insulators
Conductors are materials that allow the flow of electric current. Insulators are materials that do not allow the flow of current. Some examples of conductors are copper, silver, gold, aluminum, iron, steel, mercury, graphite, and water containing dissolved materials. Some examples of insulators are plastics, Styrofoam, paper, ceramics, rubber, glass, dry air, and very pure water.
Electricity generation
Electricity is generated in power plants. These power plants have huge electric generators that run on coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power, hydroelectric power, and other natural sources to generate electricity. The electricity produced is distributed to industries and homes.
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