
Hi,friends...I am Sandesh Kandel.Really speaking,there are somethings about me,which are sour and bitter.That is natural,for there is no rose without thorn.I always love flowers.My heart leaps to see the flowers planted by myself.As long as I'm in the garden,I forget the realities of life.I'm kind hearted person.I love the poor.My heart smelts to see the misery of others.



पोर्क चिल्ली र रोस्ट

आश्विन २५, २०७४
नेपाल टेलिभिजनको सुरुवाती कालकी अंग्रेजी समाचारवाचिका हुन्–अर्चना तामाङ । डेनिडाकी क्षेत्रीय सल्लाहकारसमेत रहेर अनुभव बटुलेकी अर्चनाले केही वर्षयता पुल्चोकमा पोर्कका परिकारलाई विशेष प्राथमिकता दिएर क्याफे आमु नामक रेस्टुराँ स्थापना गरेकी छिन् जहाँ उनी आफ्नै तरिकाले घरको स्वादमा विभिन्न परिकार तयार पार्छिन् ।

पोर्क चिल्ली
सामग्री : पोर्कको बेलीको भाग आधा केजी, टिम्मुर आधा चम्चा, खुर्सानीको पेस्ट १ चम्चा, चामलको पीठो तथा कर्नफ्लोर १ चम्चा, ओस्टर सस १ चम्चा, क्याप्सिकन १ वटा, गोलभेंडा १ वटा, प्याज १ वटा एवं तिलको तेल २ चम्चा ।
विधि : पोर्कको बेली पार्टलाई स्लाइस गरी कुटेर त्यसमा टिम्मुर, खुर्सानीको पेस्ट, चामल तथा कर्नफ्लोर हालेर मोल्ने । मोलिसकेपछि त्यसलाई डिप फ्राई गरेर अलग्गै राख्ने । प्यानमा थोरै तेल हाली खुर्सानीको पेस्ट, ओस्टर सस, क्याप्सिकन, गोलभेंडा तथा प्याजलाई सोथे गरेर डिप फ्राई पोर्कका साथ एकछिन पकाउने । पाकिसकेपछि माथिबाट तिलको तेल हाल्ने । यो परिकारलाई स्न्याक्सका रूपमा खान सकिन्छ ।
पोर्क रोस्ट
सामग्री : पोर्क फिल्ला १ केजी, सोया सस २ चम्चा, लसुनका पोटी २० वटा, भटमासको तेल १ चम्चा, धूलो खुर्सानी ३ चम्चा, मरिच आधा चम्चा तथा नुन स्वादअनुसार ।
विधि : फिलालाई राम्रोसँग पखालेर सोया सस दल्ने । २ वटा लसुन मासुलाई घोच्दै भित्र गाड्दै जाने । अब सोया सस, भटमासको तेल, खुर्सानीको धूलो तथा मरिचले दायाँ–बायाँ दलेर राख्ने । प्रेसरकुकरमा १ कप पानी तथा नुन हालेर तयार फिल्ला राख्ने । सिठी लगाएपछि सानो आँचमा १० मिनेटजति पकाउने । सिठी खोलेर माथिबाट कागतीको रस हालिदिने । पोर्कलाई निकालेर स्लाइस आकारमा काटेर सेतो प्लेटमा राख्ने र माथिबाट प्रेसरकुकरमा रहेको ग्रेभी खन्याइदिने । यो पोर्क रोस्ट निकै स्वादिलो हुन्छ ।

चिल्ली पोट्याटो

चिल्ली पोट्याटो

  • आलुचनाको सलाद
कार्तिक २७, २०७४ 
चिल्ली पोट्याटो
सामग्री : ३ वटा आलु, मैदा र कर्नफ्लोर आधा–आधा कप (२ चम्चा अलग्गै राख्ने), लसुन काटेको २ चम्चा, अदुवा १ टुक्रा काटेको, हरियो खुर्सानी २–३ वटा काटेको, सोया सस २ चम्चा, भेनेगर १ चम्चा, नुन स्वादअनुसार तथा हरियो प्याज १–२ वटा काटेको ।
विधि : आलुलाई ताछेर ठूलै आकारमा एउटै किसिमले काटेर पखाली सुख्खा हुन दिने । एउटा बावलमा मैदा, कर्नफ्लोर तथा पानीको पातलो घोल बनाउने । एउटा गहिरो कराहीमा तेल तताउने र पोट्याटो फिंगर्सलाई उक्त घोलमा डुबाएर त्यसलाई तातो तेलमा डिप फ्राई गर्ने ।
खैरो भएपछि निकालेर एकछिन राख्ने । कराहीमा २ चम्चा तेल तताई लसुन, हरियो खुर्सानी तथा अदुवालाई खैरो हुन्जेल भुट्ने । सोया सस, भेनेगर, नुन तथा आधा कप पानी हालेर उमाल्ने । २ चम्चा कर्नफ्लोरलाई पानीमा घोलेर उम्लिएको मिश्रणमा मिसाउने । ग्रेभी बाक्लो अर्थात् गाढा भएपछि आगोबाट निकाल्ने । फ्राई पोट्याटो फिंगर्सलाई त्यही ग्रेभीमा हालेर राम्रोसँग मिक्स गरी हरियो प्याजले सजाएर खाने–ख्वाउने ।
आलुचनाको सलाद
सामग्री : उसिनेको चना डेढ कप, आलु २ वटा (उसिनेर र क्युब आकारमा एकै साइजमा काट्ने), आधा कप प्याज (काटेको), हरियो धनियाँ १ चम्चा (काटेको), पुदिना थोरै (काटेको), कोरेको नरिवल आधा कप, अनारदाना पाउडर २ चम्चा, चाट मसला र जिराको धूलो आधा–आधा चम्चा, हरियो खुर्सानी १ वटा तथा नुन र मरिच स्वादअनुसार ।
विधि : बावलमा सबै सामग्री मिक्स गरी फ्रिजमा १ घन्टा चिस्याउने ।

Our Solar System | Fact & Information

Solar System

The solar system is a group of celestial objects located in the Milky
Way Galaxy. it is made up of eight planets. namely Mercury. Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, meteoroirls. and several other smaller celestial bodies. Astronomers believe that the solar system is around 4.5 billion years old.

The solar system is about 25,000 light years from the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. it is elliptical in shape and has the Sun at its centre. The solar system is always in motion. All the planets and celestial bodies move around the Sun in elliptical paths.


The Sun is a huge, glowing star. It is the largest and the most important object in the solar system.The Sun is composed of hydrogen, helium, and other heavier elements. It contains 99.8 per cent of the Solar system’s mass and is the main source of light and heat on Earth.


A planet is a celestial body that orbits the Sun or any other star. The solar system consists of eight . major planets. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,]upiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.The first four planets are small and rocky, while the next four planets are giant gaseous planets. The eight planets also vary greatly in mass, temperature, and the rate of rotation.

Dwarf planet

In the year 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) ladOpted the term dwarf planet to classify a celestial body that like all other planets orbits the Sun but has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. By this definition Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet. Pluto has a number of icy objects that share its orbits. It was discovered in 1930 and its status as a planet had been debated from the very beginning. Its average distance from the Sun is about 5,86,96,59,999 km.

Minor planets

Minor planets are small objects found in the solar system whose orbits lie between the Sun and the asteroid belt. These objects are larger than meteoroids but smaller than planets and therefore are not considered as planets.

Planetary motion

Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician, proposed in the 17th century that the planets move around the Sun in ellipses and not in circles. Kepler also stated that a line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.

Other solar systems

There exist many other solar systems like our own solar system. The first evidence of the presence of other solar systems was discovered in the mid-1990s. These solar systems can be detected by measuring the gravitational pull of the planets on the star they orbit. Though the gravitational pull is not very strong it still is able to make the star wobble back and forth a little bit. Astronomers measure this gravitational pull and use it to calculate the orbit and mass of the planet. Till now astronomers have been able to find around 70 other solar systems.

Planet names

All planets except Earth have been named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.

Mercury was named Mercurius by the Romans after their god of trade. Mercurius was also a messenger of the gods known for his swift flights from place to place. The Romans named the planet Mercurius because the planet too appears to move very swiftly.

✋Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love. The Romans considered the planet the brightest and most beautiful planet or star in the heavens.

✋Mars was named by the Romans after their god of war because of its blood-like red colour.

✋The Romans and the Greeks named the biggest planet Jupiter after their most important deity, Zeus.

✋Saturn was named after the Greek god Cronos, father of Zeus. Saturn is the Roma name for Cronos.

✋Uranus was named by Johann Bode in 1781 Uranus was the father of the Greek god Cronos.

✋Urbain Le Verrier suggested the name

Neptune for the planet after the Greek god of the sea and earthquakes, Poseidon. Neptune is the Roman name for Poseidon.

Stonehenge | Fact & Information


Stonehenge is a megalithic ruin in the Salisbury Plain in southern England. about 128.7 km southwest of London. It is around 5,000 years old.

Stonehenge is not a single structure. It consists of a series of structures made
of earth, timber, and stone. It initially consisted of a circular ditch with a raised bank on the inside. The outer circle and horseshoe of Stonehenge had 30 vertical Sarsen stones (sandstones) and an equal number of horizontal lintels. The 30 lintels rested on top of and connected the 30 upright Sarsen stones. There is another set of blue stones and Trilithons. Trilithons are ill upright stones arranged as live free standing pairs with a single horizontal lintel. There were also four ’station stones’ set in a rectangle outside the ring.


The construction of Stonehenge was done in three phases. These three phases have been labeled as Stonehenge I, II, and III by Professor Richard Atkinson, a researcher at Stonehenge.

Phase I

The first phase of the construction of Stonehenge dates back to 2950-2900 BC or the Middle Neolithic Age. During this
phase, Stonehenge was a circle of timber posts surrounded by a ditch and bank. The circle had a diameter of 100 m. There were 56 Aubrey holes that held timber posts. The ditch was dug by hand using animal bones. Deer antlers were used as pick-axes to loosen the underlying chalk and shoulder blades of oxen or cattle were used as shovels to clear away the stones.

Phase II

During the second phase, Stonehenge was rebuilt before the arrival of the Romans in Britain. The construction started after 2900 BC and went on for the next 500 years until 2400 BC. This
time blue stones were used to build Stonehenge. These blue stones were brought from the Preseli Mountains in Pembroke, South Wales. They were dragged down to the sea, floated on huge rafts, and brought up River Avon to the Salisbury Plains. The timber posts were no longer there and the Aubrey holes were partially filled.

Phase III

Stonehenge was reconstructed for the third time around 2300 BC. The reconstruction went on until 1600 BC. During this phase, the blue stones were dug up and rearranged and placed in what is known as the Qand R holes. Giant Sarsen stones were hammered to size and placed upright in pairs in a circle. Each pair was connected by lintels. The largest Sarsen was around 7 m in height and weighed more than 44 tons. The Sarsen circle was about 33 m in diameter. During the third phase, a horseshoe-shaped arrangement of five Trilithons was also erected within the Sarsen Circle. They were arranged as five free standing pairs, each with a single horizontal lintel.The tallest Trilithon placed at the center stood about 8 m above the ground and weighed almost 45,000 kg. The lintel placed above it weighed 9,000 kg.’Only three Trilithons with their lintels can be seen now.

Heel stone

The Sarsen Heel stone is a large upright boulder. It IS surrounded by a circular ditch and 18 located along the Avenue. The stone is approximately 4. 88 m in height above the ground. Another 1.22 m In of the stone is buried below the ground.


The construction of Stonehenge is still a mystery. There are no records of Why this place was built, dismantled, and rebuilt over the years. Many archaeologists and historians believe that Stonehenge was a sacred ground.

Altar stone

The Altar stone lies embedded in the ground Within the Trilithon Horseshoe. It is a large block of sandstone. There are two other fallen stones across it. The stone is 4. 9 m long and 1 m wide It has a thickness of 0.5 m.

Hoover Dam | Fact & Information

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam is one o! the architectural wonders of the world. It is one of the highest concrete dams in the world. The dam is in the Black Canyon on the Colorado River, southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Hoover Dam is the highest and the third largest concrete dam in the United States. it was built as a part of the Boulder Canyon Project. The other parts of the project were a hydroelectric power plant and a reservoir. The dam is 379 m long with a height at 220 m from the foundation rock It generates more than 4 billion kilowatt-hours at power every year.

Colorado river found its basin

The Colorado River flows from the snow-capped Rocky Mountains and zigzags its way to the Gulf of California. It travels for almost 2, 240 km before it reaches the Gulf of California. The river, along with its tributaries-the Green, the Gunnison, the Sari Juan, the Virgin, the Little Colorado, and the Gila rivers----is collectively called the Colorado River Basin.The states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming are called the Colorado River Basin states.

Hydroelectric power plant

The power plant located at the base of Hoover Dam generates low-cost hydroelectric power for use in the states of Nevada, Arizona, and California. The plant is a U-shaped structure and has some of the largest generators and turbines It is one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in the United States. It is Operated and maintained by the Bureau of Reclamation, United States
Department of Interior.

The dam

Hoover Dam is one of the largest masonry structures in the world. It was built to control the hoods of the Colorado River, generate hydroelectricity, and supply domestic and irrigation water to a large area of the Pacific southwest. The construction of the dam began on 20 April 1931. It took five years to complete the concrete placement. The last concrete was placed on 29 May 1935 and the other features of the dam were completed by 1936.'Ihe concrete used was made of sand, crushed rock, water and Portland cement. A total of 21,000 men were employed for the construction of the great dam.

Benefits of the dam

Hoover Dam provides many benefits:

° It controls the floods in the Colorado River.

° It provides water for irrigation to the fertile but arid agricultural regions of California and Arizona.

° It satisfies the power requirements of millions of people in adjacent areas through its hydroelectric power plant.

Diverted route

During the course of the construction of the dam, the Colorado River had to be diverted from its route. Four tunnels were built through the walls of the Black canyon and the river flowed through them for almost live years.

 Six Companies Inc.

Hoover Dam was built by a construction company called Six Companies Inc. The company actually was a group of six major companies that included Morrison-Knudsen Co., Utah Construction Co.,]. F. Shea Co., Pacific Bridge Co., MacDonald & Kahn Ltd. and a joint venture of W. A. Bechtel Co., Henry J. Kaiser, and Warren Brothers. The collaboration happened as there was no single construction company that could invest the $5 million needed to secure the performance bond.

Naming the dam

Hoover Dam was known by various names till President Harry S.Truman signed a resolution on 30 April 1947 naming the dam after the 3lst president of the United States--Herbert Hoover. President Truman recognized the efforts made by Hoover and the part he played in the entire construction of the dam during his presidential tenure. 'the darn was officially named Hoover Dam for the first time in 1931. In 1932, Hoover lost the presidential elections and Franklin Roosevelt came into power. then, the dam was renamed, Boulder Dam.

Lake Mead

Lake Mead is the reservoir of the Hoover Dam. It is one of the largest man-made lakes. The lake extends 184 km upstream and is 1.6-16 km wide. It was named after Elwood Mead, who was the commissioner of the United States, Bureau of Reclamation during the planning and construction of the Boulder Canyon Project.

Electricity | Fact & Information


Electricity is a form of energy. it is the movement of electrons or protons in a material. Electrons are negatively charged atomic particles, while protons are positively charged. Electrons in a conductor move from a negatively charged point to a positively charged point.

Electricity is present everywhere in the world. Lightning is  Form of electricity produced by clouds. Even the human body contains weak electric signals that low in the nerve cells. Electricity can be changed into other forms of energy, such as heat and light. it is used to produce light, heat, power, etc.

Electric current

Electric current is the flowing of charge through a wire. Charge can flow only through a conductor. Therefore, electricity can flow only through a conductor. There are two types of electric current-direct current and alternating current. Direct current flows only in one direction while alternating current reverses its direction at regular intervals.

Electric circuit

Electric circuit is the path through which electric current flows. Circuits are of two types: serial circuit and parallel circuit. Serial circuit is a circuit in which all the parts of the circuit are connected in a series. Parallel circuit is a circuit in which all the parts are split into branches.

Producing electricity

Electricity can be produced in many different ways.

° Rubbing wax with wool produces electricity by friction.

° Electricity can be produced by chemical action as in a storage battery.

° Electric motor or generator produces electricity by induction.

Types of electricity

There are two types of electricity-static electricity and current electricity. Static electricity is electricity at rest While current electricity is electricity in motion. Static electricity builds up on the surface of a material. It does not flow like current electricity. It can be created by rubbing two dissimilar materials together. The friction between materials causes the electrons to jump from one material and deposit themselves on the other. Lightning is an example of static electricity. Current electricity is the How of electric charges through a Wire or circuit. Unlike static electricity, current electricity must flow through a conductor.

Electricity from batteries

A battery is a string of two or more electrochemical cells in series. It stores chemical energy and makes it available in an electrical form. It produces electricity through chemical reactions. It has two different metals dipped in a chemical solution. Each end of the battery is attached to the metals The chemical reaction between the metals and the chemicals in the battery frees more electrons in one metal than in the other. The metal that frees more electrons develops a negative charge.The other end develops a positive charge. If a wire is attached from the negative to the positive end, electrons begin to flow through the wire. In this way, electricity is produced from batteries..

Measuring electricity

Electricity is measured in a unit of power called Watt. It is named in honour of James Watt, the Scottish inventor. Since a single watt is a very small unit of power, electricity is measured in kilowatt. A kilowatt is equal to 1,000 watts.The amount of electricity generated by a power plant or used by an electrical appliance is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). One kWh is equal to the energy of 1,000 watts used for one hour.

Conductors and insulators

Conductors are materials that allow the flow of electric current. Insulators are materials that do not allow the flow of current. Some examples of conductors are copper, silver, gold, aluminum, iron, steel, mercury, graphite, and water containing dissolved materials. Some examples of insulators are plastics, Styrofoam, paper, ceramics, rubber, glass, dry air, and very pure water.

Electricity generation

Electricity is generated in power plants. These power plants have huge electric generators that run on coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power, hydroelectric power, and other natural sources to generate electricity. The electricity produced is distributed to industries and homes.

Petronas Towers | Fact and Informations

Petronas Towers

The Petrones Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, are the second talzest buildings of the world. The towers are also known as the Petrona Twin Towers. Petronas is short for Petroliam Nasional Bhd. Malaysia's national petroleum corporation. The twin towers were built to house the headquarters of Petronas. The towers have shopping and entertainment facilities, a petroleum museum, a symphony hall,a mosque. and a multimedia conference centre.

The towers are set in the heart of the city. Both the towers have 88 storeys that rise to a height of 378 m. The total height at the towers is 452 m and they cover an area of 4,27,353 sq m. The towers are jioined by a flexible sky bridge on the 41st and 42nd floors. The towers were considered the tallest buildings in the world by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat until the completion of Taipei 101.

Architect and architecture

The Petronas Towers were designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects (formerly known as Cesar Pelli and Associates). The towers have a simple geometric form that is common in Muslim architecture. The exterior of the towers has two interlocking squares that
form an eight-pointed star. Eight semi-circles are placed upon the eight-pointed stars to . soften the inner angles. The circular pattern of the buildings rise and gradually taper at I the upper levels. The exterior of the towers is organised in horizontal ribbons of Vision glass and stainless steel which glint and shimmer in the sun. The interior of the towers shows the beauty and tradition of Malaysian arts and handicrafts.


The peaks or top of the Petronas Towers are made of structural steel. The pinnacles of the towers are 73.5 m tall. One pinnacle was fabricated in Japan and the other was made in Korea. Each pinnacle has a spire,mi1st ball, and ring ball.

Sky bridge

The sky bridge on the 4lst and 42nd floors that connects the two towers was constructed to ease travel between the towers. It is a double-decked sky bridge and it can also function as an escape route in an emergency. The bridge is supported by a three-hinged arch, which consists of giant round bearings at the base. It has a pair of cylindrical legs that IS 51 m long. The legs are locked to a box girder below the centre of the bridge.

Elevator system

The Petronas Towers are equipped with 29 double-decker, high-speed passenger lifts. There are four executive lifts and six heavy-duty service lifts in each tower. The elevators are designed to serve every door of the tower. The lifts can transport passengers from the basement car parking to the top of the towers.

Foundation and inauguration

The construction of the Petronas towers was completed in many phases. The plan for constructing the towers began January 1992. The foundation work of the towers started in March 1992. The towers were inaugurated by Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, the 4th prime minister of Malaysia, on 31 August 1999.